We welcome your APQP/9145 questions.  If you have a question that you would like to have considered for posting here, please send your question to us via the Contact SCMH link, this button is found on all SCMH guidance topic webpages, including the Plan & Manage page where you will find SCMH Topic Advanced Product Quality Planning APQP.

We will route your questions to a member of the 9145 Standard writing team, the same team that is also responsible for the SCMH 7.2 APQP guidance material. We will consider each question, making sure they contain no company specific information, and prepare a response for those we believe will benefit the 9145 Standard and SCMH users. The question and the response will be posted here for all to view.

To get things started,

Question: Where can I find guidance on how to implement Advance Product Quality Planning?

Response: The 9145 Standard Writing team provides and maintains Advanced Product Quality Planning guidance materials in the form of an APQP Manual and many ready to use templates, including webinar recordings for several APQP topics in the Plan & Manage section of the SCMH under SCMH Topic 7.2 Advance Product Quality Planning (APQP).

You can access the Supply Chain Management Handbook SCMH from the IAQG website at iaqg.org or go directly to the SCMH site here at scmh.iaqg.org. The SCMH is provided at no cost to organizations at all levels throughout the supply chain, including customers.

The Supply Chain Management Handbook (SCMH) was initially released in October 2008 and is progressively updated as changes/improvements are identified and new material is developed by IAQG member company subject matter experts. Volunteers from IAQG member companies and members of their supply chain work together in order to bring best practice solutions to the guidance material produced for the SCMH.

The SCMH Topics are created as the topic becomes a priority by the SCMH Users or by the IAQG and Sector Member companies. Therefore, the order of the topics are noted by the number given in the order they are originated. Each SCMH Topic is assigned the next available number and the guidance is divided into two categories “Core” and “Tool” guidance. If you are interested in a topic that is not listed, please take the survey and mention the topic you are interested in seeing added to the SCMH.  The more requests for a particular topic, the higher the priority in the selection process.

You will hear about future topics at the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) or at the sector meetings; AAQG (Americas), EAQG (European), and APAQG (Asia/Pacific).

To determine future topics, the SCMH Steering team polls the IAQG members and reviews the feedback received through the SCMH feedback link. If you are interested in letting us know what new topic will help us meet the IAQG goals, please use the “contact us” page at the IAQG main site and send us an email letting us know topics you may be interested in seeing in the SCMH. You can also use the same form to volunteer to lead or participate on a guidance material project team that you suggested.

While participating in the IAQG or sector meetings, acknowledge you are interested in leading or participating on a project team by speaking to the SCMH steering team members or your IAQG sector leader. The SCMH holds information sessions as noted on the meeting agendas and has an information area setup during (face-to-face) meetings where you can ask questions and get more information.

In addition, when a new project is selected we will distribute a “Call for Volunteers” letter to IAQG and Sector Member Company Representatives. Let your representative know you are interested in participating on teams where your expertise may assist the project.

No. Just accept the “terms of use” and register on this site if you wish to download any materials. SCMH is independent of OASIS.

The SCMH is not an actual book, it is an electronic resource. You are able to preview (open file in a new window) or download any guidance document for free and then print them from your computer. You may select one or more at one time from each section “Core Guidance” or “Tools” for download. Although fully printable, some “tools” are interactive, i.e., electronically fillable or templates (internal procedures, checklists, forms, etc. ) that were created to allow users to adapt them to meet their needs.

SCMH provides guidance materials to continuously improve On Time, On Quality Delivery (OTOQD) throughout the entire value stream. The SCMH is provided at no cost to organizations at all levels throughout the supply chain, including customers.

No. The SCMH is available to all levels of the supply chain; IAQG, AAQG, EAQG, APAQG members, their suppliers, and sub-tier suppliers at all levels throughout the supply chain, including their customers.

SCMH is protected intellectual property of the IAQG, do not republish or redistribute without written consent. That said, you may access and use the material as is or adapt it to meet your needs. Although the guidance materials, in their current form, are considered industry best practices, it is understood some material may not be applicable to a particular user and therefore may be adapted by that user. All users must accept the “terms of use” in order to access the SCMH and use the guidance materials provided.

No. The SCMH is internationally produced guidance material and is reviewed to ensure content does not violate export control laws.

The IAQG is the International Aerospace Quality Group, a cooperative global organization of companies. Their mission, in part, is to achieve significant performance improvements in Quality, Delivery, and consequently Cost, on all products and services throughout the value stream. Visit iaqg.org for more information.

While reviewing the SCMH you will find a “feedback” link on each of the chapter pages and on the Contact Us page. Feel free to use these links to ask any questions you may have. We will be glad to assist you.